Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a symptom complex of somatic, neurological and psychopathological disorders. Sometimes there alcoholic psychoses (Delirium tremens).
- Somatic disorders: palpitations, nausea, urge to vomit, tremors, headache, etc.;
- neurological (vegetative disorders, paresthesia, hyperesthesia of the visual and auditory analyzers);
- psychopathological (irritability, asthenia, cognitive-mnestic disorders).
These disorders occur in the case of a more or less prolonged, often forced abstinence of an alcoholic patient from drinking alcohol.
Often after withdrawal symptoms occur alcoholic psychoses (hallucinations — visual, auditory or tactile).
In the initial stage of the disease, these manifestations are eliminated by patients drinking a large amount of tea, coffee or cold water (nonspecific hangover), then they consume low-alcohol drinks and at the end of stage II of the disease hangover with vodka.
The pathogenesis of alcohol withdrawal.
Withdrawal syndrome develops under the influence of the following mechanism.
There is a desensitization of GABA receptors in the brain. In a healthy body, these receptors inhibit the transmission of impulses in the human nervous system. With chronic alcohol use, the chemical composition of the brain and a group of inhibitory neurons change, as a result of which GABA receptors are suppressed.
Withdrawal syndrome in a patient with alcoholism must be distinguished from post-intoxication, which occurs in individuals without physical dependence on alcohol after its excessive use. In this condition, the patient feels disgust not only for the taste, but also for the smell and appearance of alcoholic beverages.
Treatment is the same as for delirium tremens: sedative and detox therapy, cardiac support. In severe somatoneurological complications and in case of a threat of delirium, small doses of alcohol can be added to this therapy.
Withdrawal from hard drinking and release (treatment) from alcoholism in Odessa according to a proven author’s method (at the level of monoamines, brain neurotransmitters ) without infusions, i.e. completely no drips.
The craving for alcohol disappears the very next morning!
Possible home delivery within Odessa. If the arrival at work (Odessa Regional Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine or to the office on Dunayevsky) is then treatment on the first day is free.
Odessa, st. Dunayevsky, 1
Contact numbers:
+38 068 103 52 74
+38 068 46 35 661
Email: doctor@medicine-help.com.ua