The author’s method of treatment of alcohol and drug addiction

The author’s method of treatment of alcohol and drug addiction

The mean­ing of our drug and alco­hol treat­ment approach put it in a nut­shell:

The work is going on with the neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty of the brain, the bal­ance of monoamines (neu­ro­trans­mit­ters) is nor­mal­iz­ing. There is a car­di­nal improve­ment of neu­ronal con­nec­tions in the cor­ti­cal struc­tures of the brain.

Neu­rons (nerve cells) in the brain, in par­tic­u­lar, com­mu­ni­cate with each oth­er using chem­i­cals — the so-called neu­ro­trans­mit­ters.

When one neu­ron fires, the same neu­ro­trans­mit­ters are released at the site of its con­nec­tion with oth­er neu­rons — the synapse. This is a sig­nal that should be received by the nerve cell and decod­ed. The abil­i­ty to do this is deter­mined by the cor­re­spond­ing recep­tors present in the cell.

It is to the recep­tors of neu­ro­trans­mit­ters that psy­choac­tive sub­stances are able to join: nar­cot­ic sub­stances and alco­hol, which leads to block­ing of neu­ronal con­nec­tions and the devel­op­ment of depen­dence.

With all sorts of addic­tions (alco­hol, drugs, gam­bling, etc.), there is a dis­rup­tion in the work of dopamine, sero­tonin and oth­er “firmware” of the brain.

This is the treat­ment method of get­ting rid of alco­holism and drug addic­tion.

There is a “flash­ing” of the brain at the chem­i­cal lev­el, which leads to a very rapid removal of crav­ings (depen­dence) for alco­hol and drugs.

With­draw­al from hard drink­ing and release (treat­ment) from alco­holism in Odessa accord­ing to this method (at the lev­el of monoamines, neu­ro­trans­mit­ters of the brain) occurs with­out infu­sions, i.e. com­plete­ly no drips.

The crav­ing for alco­hol dis­ap­pears the very next morn­ing!

Pos­si­ble home deliv­ery with­in Odessa. If the arrival at work (Odessa Region­al Cen­ter for Emer­gency Med­ical Care and Dis­as­ter Med­i­cine or to the office on Dunayevsky) is then treat­ment on the first day is free.

Odessa, st. Dunayevsky, 1
Con­tact num­bers:
+38 068 103 52 74
+38 068 46 35 661

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