Alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens, “squirrel”)

Alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens, “squirrel”)

Delir­i­um states (alco­holic delir­i­um) are accom­pa­nied by an influx illu­sions and hal­lu­ci­na­tions, which can be fright­en­ing and threat­en­ing, which accord­ing­ly affects the patien­t’s behav­ior.

Alco­holic delir­i­um devel­ops on the 2–3rd day after the ces­sa­tion of drink­ing.

It is pre­ced­ed by a peri­od of anx­i­ety, emo­tion­al stress. Sleep at this time is rest­less, full of ter­ri­ble dreams. Then, at night, illu­sions arise, most often audi­to­ry and visu­al, which are com­ple­ment­ed by sud­den hal­lu­ci­na­tions, which are rapid­ly grow­ing.

Alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens, "squirrel") treatment of alcoholism in Odessa
Alco­holic delir­i­um (delir­i­um tremens, “squir­rel”) treat­ment of alco­holism in Odessa

The con­tent of hal­lu­ci­na­to­ry images can be var­ied, but real or fan­tas­tic ani­mals of small size pre­vail among them. As a rule, they “treat” the patient aggres­sive­ly and insult­ing­ly threat­en, scold, try to harm.

Quite often, the patient hears at least two voic­es that lead a live­ly dis­cus­sion about the patient or “push” him to some action.

Under the influ­ence of the described vio­la­tions, the patien­t’s behav­ior changes sig­nif­i­cant­ly. He becomes agi­tat­ed and acts accord­ing to the devel­oped hal­lu­ci­na­tions: he runs away from men­tal pur­suers, turns to friends and the police for help, can com­mit aggres­sive actions towards oth­ers (up to crime).

He can even kill, and then he will say: I I don’t remem­ber any­thing! And he will be right, so to speak, — he real­ly does not remem­ber any­thing, because. com­mit­ted acts with an altered con­scious­ness.

Often with delir­i­um, the gen­er­al con­di­tion of the patient is extreme­ly severe. The patient is in bed. Pro­duc­tive con­tact with him is impos­si­ble due to con­fu­sion. Speech pro­duc­tion resem­bles a “speech vinai­grette”, a per­sis­tent stereo­typ­i­cal rep­e­ti­tion of some words. The patient is com­plete­ly dis­ori­ent­ed in space and time, but retains ori­en­ta­tion in his own per­son­al­i­ty.

Somat­i­cal­ly alco­holic delir­i­um as well as with­draw­al syn­drome аccom­pa­nied by a sharp red­den­ing of the skin, sweat­ing, tachy­car­dia, headache, feel­ing of weak­ness, insom­nia.
Treat­ment of a deliri­ous state of alco­holic ori­gin is com­plex.

In the ear­ly stages, seda­tive and detox­i­fi­ca­tion ther­a­py is car­ried out, mea­sures to main­tain the vital func­tions of the body, pri­mar­i­ly the car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem. The ther­a­py is car­ried out in a hos­pi­tal set­ting.

But this is not a guar­an­tee of suc­cess, so to speak, in treat­ment. In espe­cial­ly severe cas­es, even in a hos­pi­tal, if a patient can­not get out of the “squir­rel” for three days, despite the ongo­ing treat­ment, every­thing can end in fail­ure — cere­bral ede­ma and mor­tal­i­ty. And no diuret­ics and oth­er drugs will help. Despite med­ical efforts.

There­fore, it is bet­ter for rel­a­tives not to allow all this, but to seek med­ical help in a time­ly man­ner, even if the patient is ini­tial­ly against treat­ment. And they often brag at first and per­ceive every­thing “with hos­til­i­ty.”

When you turn to us for med­ical help, the removal of alco­hol depen­dence and the treat­ment is “soft”, with­out turn­ing into alco­holic delir­i­um (deliri­ous tremens), alco­holic epilep­sy, etc.

Treat­ment of chron­ic alco­holism in Odessa and with­draw­al from binge in Odessa fol­lows a proven author’s method.

Crav­ing for alco­hol dis­ap­pears the very next morn­ing and this con­firms the effec­tive­ness of this treat­ment method.

Com­plete­ly blocks crav­ings for alco­holic bev­er­ages.

Even if the patient has been drink­ing alco­hol con­tin­u­ous­ly for many years.

Pos­si­ble home deliv­ery with­in Odessa. If the arrival at work (Odessa Region­al Cen­ter for Emer­gency Med­ical Care and Dis­as­ter Med­i­cine or to the office on Dunayevsky) is then treat­ment on the first day is free.

Odessa, st. Dunayevsky, 1
Con­tact num­bers:
+38 068 103 52 74
+38 068 46 35 661

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