Alcohol intoxication (existing forms)
The depth of intoxication depends on many factors: individual tolerance to alcoholic beverages, psycho-physiological state, quality and strength of alcoholic beverages.
Simple drunkenness:
Degrees of alcohol intoxication:
- Mild degree is characterized by a feeling of comfort, a decrease in criticality regarding one’s actions and capabilities. The speed of thinking increases, but due to superficial associations and a decrease in the quality of mental activity, cognitive functions are weakened, the number of errors increases, and the quality of work deteriorates. Personality traits moderately expressed in a sober state are pointedly manifested. The skin of the face turns red, mild dysarthria appears, and the gait becomes unsteady. In some cases, dilated pupils and moderate bradycardia are observed.
- Average degree of intoxication is characterized by a further decrease in the productivity of actions, cognitive processes and discoordination of movements. Sharp mood changes are characteristic, which manifest themselves according to the individual characteristics and level of culture of the drinker.
- When severe intoxication, orientation is disturbed, emotions are smoothed out. In some cases, a soporous or coma is possible.
Atypical forms of alcohol intoxication:
- Depressive intoxication — the patient yearns, feels sorry for himself and demands it from others. The need for emergency care arises from suicidal statements or actions of the patient.
- Hysterical IntoxicationFeminine — patients are prone to demonstrative behavior and scandals while intoxicated. Gives the impression of being drunker than he really is. As a result of this behavior, intoxicated people can provoke conflicts;
- Hebephrenic intoxication — when drunk, behavior becomes stupid, childish, atypical. Patients may pester strangers with cynical suggestions or actions. Remarks from others can cause them an attack of aggression.
- Dysphoric intoxication is characterized by a sharp unmotivated longing, fear and aggressiveness.
Most often, depressive and hysterical intoxication is noted in people with congenital mental disorders — personality disorders (psychopathies) and pronounced accentuation. Hebephrenic and dysphoric intoxications occur in individuals with organic lesions of the central nervous system. For them, drinking alcohol, even in moderate doses, can cause such a twilight disorder of consciousness as trance.
The work is going on with the neuroplasticity of the brain, the balance of monoamines is normalizing. There is a cardinal improvement of neuronal connections in the cortical structures of the brain.
Alcoholism treatment in Odessa in a few days by author’s methodology.
The craving for alcohol disappears the very next morning.
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